Wrap Your World in Flavor

    with The Gozleme Co.

    The Gozleme Co | Merrylands

    Open today: 08:00am - 05:00pm



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    About Us

    About us

    The Gozleme Co. started its journey in 2013 when founder, Irfan Ugur, opened with a single kiosk in Stockland Merrylands – Sydney. The Turkish-born gozleme specialist had a simple idea, to bring Turkish culture and food to the centre.

    Within a few years his son, Koray now acting as director, envisioned a potential to perfect the process of making gozleme. This simple idea has grown from one kiosk serving a few, to many stores now satisfying Australia's evolving culinary palate. Our sole-purpose is to keep at the forefront of gozleme crafting and in order to stay one step ahead, we have combined traditional recipes with modern methods and exciting new flavours.

    The Gozleme Co. way is seamless, fresh and made to order. Each gozleme is hand-crafted with the finest ingredients to ensure mouth-watering taste. The gozleme artistry is on show daily at your nearest store.